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2020 MCL Det 1267 Elections Procedures

From:   Nathan Pratt, Commandant

To: All Hands

Subject: 2020 Detachment 1267 Elections Procedures


The current national pandemic surrounding the WuHun Virus, has lead us to unprecedented times. We will continue to move forward with items as we can, while doing all we can do to ensure our members safety. With that in-mind, we will be conducting this years elections in accordance with the Emergency Procedures for Elections guidelines established by Headquarters Marine Corps League.

Because we will not be assembling for a physical meeting, nominations that are usually allowed to come from the floor at the April meeting, are being allowed up until Noon (12:00pm) on Saturday, April 18, 2020.  Additional nominations will only be submitted via the Electronic Officer Nominations Form, linked here, and found on the S-1 page.  By closing nominations at this time, and using this electronic form, this will give the Nominations-Elections Committee (NEC), time to vet any nominations and ensure accountability. 

In the event that only one (1) person is running for an elected office, the NEC, will follow National and Detachment 1267 By-Laws for an "UNCONTESTED" election for that office.  The NEC will report the results to the Commandant within 48 hours of the closing of the elections.  Additionally the NEC will send the results to the Communications Officer who will make the results announcement via an email to the "General Membership".

In the event that multiple "Regular Members" are running for an elected office, the NEC, will follow National and Detachment 1267 By-Laws, and announce the choices for election of that office on the election ballot. The "Regular Membership", will be given a link to an "Electronic Elections Ballot" and given three (3) days (72 hours from the time the link it sent to the "Regular Membership), in which to cast their vote for that office. No ballot will be accepted following the close of voting.  Once the "Regular Member" casts their vote for that office, the ballots will only be sent to/ received by the NEC. The NEC will report the results to the Commandant within 48 hours of the closing of the elections.  Additionally the NEC will send the results to the Communications Officer who will make the results announcement via an email to the "General Membership".


Nathan Pratt


Detachment 1267

Marine Corps Leage

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