Dtd: March 30th, 2020
FR: Fred Geier, Leadership Scholarship Committee Chairman
To: All Hands
Subj: (1). Leadership Scholarship Awardees (2) Leadership Scholarship Award Presentation
1. The Marine Corps League Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267 takes pride in announcing the recipients of the 2020 Leadership Scholarship Award. The following seniors are awarded the 2020 Leadership Scholarship:
Madeline Johnsen: Naperville, IL **,
Socorro Torres Lopez: Villages High School,
Ciara O’Neill: Highlands Ranch, CO **,
Claire Rydberg: Pierre, SD **,
Elijah Schott: Villages High School,
Jaden Schutt: Mooresville, NC **,
**Indicates a MCL family member
Congratulations to this year’s recipients!
2. At this time, no one can predict where the current Covid-19 crisis is going or how long we will be in this no school, restricted travel, quarantine situation. We do know that currently all our recreation centers and meetings are closed or canceled. At best, any future schedule is now very tentative.In light of this situation and for the safety and wellbeing of all concerned, The Marine Corps League Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267 is canceling the scheduled award presentation ceremony on 20 April 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Bacall Recreational Center, 2041 Canal Street in The Villages. As much as we would like to present the checks to each of the 2020 Leadership Scholarship recipients in front of our entire membership, we have decided to mail the award checks to each recipient instead. Each of the six 2020 Leadership Scholarship recipients, will receive a $1000 award check to assist them in their future endeavors.
Remember, this 2020 Leadership Scholarship is presented by The Marine Corps League Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267 and should NOT be confused with other programs. We highly recommend that you also complete the Marine Corps League Scholarship Program application (both State and National) at www.MCLDOF.ORG(Scholarship fund) and www.MCLEAGUE.COM(under MCL Programs -- Then scholarships).
Semper Fidelis,
Fred Geier
Chairman, Leadership Scholarship Program
The Marine Corps League
Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267