For distribution to the Detachment.
Thx, Nathan
Semper Fidelis,
Nathan Pratt
Col. Phillip C. Delong Det. 1267
Marine Corps League
Prevention is preferable to cure...stay well.
The DOF has cancelled the June Convention. YOU must cancel your hotel reservations. Please see below how you will be issued your refund. Please DO NOT contact the pay master. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication during this pandemic. Semper Fidelis,Lori Dashiell Department of Florida District 5 Vice Commandant DOF MODD Worthy MadDog
From: "John C. Marsh, Sr." <>
Date: April 20, 2020 at 10:00:41 EDT
Subject: DOFcom0203: DOF Convention Cancellation
Reply-To: "John C. Marsh, Sr." <>
Please send this important email with the attachment regarding the Cancellation of the Dept of FL June 2020 Convention to all your Detachments for the distribution to all members. Members that have a room reservation at the Hilton Melbourne, YOU must cancel your personal room reservation: call Hilton at 800.445.8667; or the hotel directly at 321.768.0220 or if you are a Hilton Hhonors member, log-in and cancel there. Refunds will be issued by DOF MCL for: Convention Registrations, Banquet Reservations, Convention Book Ads and PDP class. If a reservation was made for the MODD/FLEA luncheon, refund will be processed by MODD FL Pack. Auxiliary Registrations will be processed by FL MCLA. Please stress to members NOT to contact the DOF Paymaster. Refunds will be made in a timely manner. If you have questions, contact Trisha Marsh, Convention Chair at
Please "forward" this email AS IS along with the attachment to your respective Detachment Commandants/Adjutants for "forwarding" to their members.
Semper Fidelis,
Dept of FL, MCL
Frank Glassford