From Dennis Tobin National Commandant/ CEO
March 12, 2020
Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and FMF Chaplains,
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) is affecting the American public throughout the United States and across the globe. The Marine Corps League has the responsibility and obligations to ensure that our members and their families have the safest environment when we participate in Marine Corps League events and functions.
Because most countries have different issues and conditions related to the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) than the United States, the conditions and issues are also different in each of the fifty states. Due to the upcoming Conventions and Conferences schedules of the National, Divisions, and Departments, the National Board of Trustees wanted to address these issues. As each Division Conference, Department Conventions, or Detachment meetings are held in the upcoming months, the National Board of Trustees recommends that the responsibility of the safety of our members is paramount.
At the Division level, the National Division Vice-Commandant should consult with the Assistant Division Vice Commandant, all Department Commandants in that Division, and the local host Detachment Commandant, to vote on and decide to hold the Conference or not. This voting process will allow each Department to have a voice in the decision-making process of having the Division Convention or not.
At each Department Convention, the Department Commandant and his Board of Trustees along with the host Detachments Commandant should discuss and vote on and decide to hold the Department Conference or not. This voting process will allow each Department to have a voice in the decision- making process of having the Conference or not.
At each Detachment meeting, the Detachment Commandant and his Board of Trustees should discuss and vote on and decide to hold the Detachment meetings or not. This voting process will allow each Detachment Board of Trustees to have a voice in the decision-making process of having the Detachment meeting or not.
The Division and Department leaders must make safe and sound decisions when conducting or cancelling Conferences and Conventions. Each leader has the responsibility to ensure that the Divisions, the Departments, and the local host Detachments communicate about the local issues and consider all the factors to include local (state/county/city) governments directions and requirements. The local situations are very relevant and must be considered. Some areas are worse than others. Boots on the ground are paramount along with common sense.
At every Conference and/or Convention, everyone should be reminded to take preventative measures to stop the spread of germs that can cause sickness. Important measures are:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Manage self-care if someone becomes symptomatic.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control
- If a person has any signs for flu like symptoms, they should not attend our events.
Finally, the upmost considerations must be considered in hosting a Conference or Convention or not. It is important that each leader consider the local guidance from local authorities. It is also important to consider and advocate preventative measures that will help prevent the spread of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19). Encourage those members that MAY BE sick or have other major medical issues to NOT ATTEND the events. In severe affected areas, leaders should consider if even a Detachment monthly meeting should be held. Common sense and communication at all levels are extremely important. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. Communicate with your members concerning this issue.
The Marine Corps League leadership throughout the Divisions, Departments, and Detachments should include the recommendation of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs and the Marine Corps League Auxiliary before a final decision is made on conducting a Conference, Convention, or meeting
Dennis Tobin National Commandant/CEO
Attached it a PDF document from the Marine Corps League National Commandant. Click the link below to see the actual document.