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Marine Corps League License Plate

Present Situation:

The Marine Corps League’s mission is to promote the interest and to preserve the traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of Marines and their families; and foster the ideals of Americanism and patriotic volunteerism. The Marine Corps League supports Marines in many programs and activities, including supporting Toys For Tots, providing funeral honors, providing scholarships, and assisting transitioning Marines and their families in support of the Marine Corps' Marine for Life program.109

Effect of the Bill The bill creates the Marine Corps League license plate, which must bear DHSMV-approved colors and design. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the plate and ‘Marine Corps League” must appear at the bottom of the plate.

The annual use fees are distributed to the Marine Corps League, Department of Florida, to be used as follows:

· Up to 10 percent of the proceeds may be used for administrative costs and to promote and market the plate.

· At least 15 percent must be distributed to the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund within the Department of Veterans' Affairs to be used to support program operations that benefit veterans or the operation, maintenance, or construction of domiciliary and nursing homes for veterans.

· At least 40 percent must be distributed to the Marine Corps League John Piazza Memorial Scholarship Fund to fund scholarships and assist Marine Corps Junior ROTC and Young Marine programs in this state.

· At least 20 percent must support the Marine Corps League efforts in disaster relief, aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines and former Marines and to their widows and orphans in this state.

· At least 15 percent must be distributed to the Injured Warriors Fund of Florida to assist those warriors injured in combat residing in this state. -- Jack Scherer Land O Lakes Florida

If 3,000 members pre-purchase MCL-DOF license plates, the State of Florida will issue them! Act now. Additional documentation is below. We will update the page with progress and pix once the frame is available to view.



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