At the May monthly meeting, now Past Commandant Pratt was recognized for his 3 years of consecutive service as Commandant of Detachment 1267. Marine Mark Rhodes (Communication Officer, Detachment 1267) Presented Commandant Pratt with a Marine Corps Watch, (donated by Marine Jim Colman - Quartermaster) and a gift certificate for "The Chop House", rumored to be a favorite of the now Past Commandant.
"As we look back on 3 years, under the command of Commandant Nathan Pratt, I am reminded that If your actions inspire others to do more, and be a better person, a better Marine, You are a leader". Commandant Pratt has inspired that in me, and hopefully others as well.
On behalf of the elected and appointed officers who have who have held positions under your guidance, you have proven our detachments un-offical motto, Leadership Never Retires.
Semper Fidelis"
Mark Rhodes
Communications Officer,
Detachment 1267
Marine Corps League